
Archive for February, 2009

I’m here in Oxford now.  In my quaint little attic.  With my pictures of friends and family adorning the walls. With my dream job and the perfect amount of time for reflection and immersion into the kind of research that customarily really gets me interested. Now here is where the but should be…but there really is no but and I guess that’s my but.  Life really is wonderful in that I have this opportunity, these few months with which to invest in myself and my passions and to be open to exciting experiences and learning.

If I had to find a but. But I miss my family like crazy. True, even if I were in the states I probably wouldn’t be able to see everyone a ton, and I’m lucky to be able to see the family when they’re able to come over more easily than most, and lucky for Skype. I miss France and tous ce que ca inclut. La colloc, les amis, la langue…c’etait vraiment une periode speciale dans ma vie, entourees d’amis comme ca tout le temps, les amis sinceres, droles, compatibles. On avait de la chance, et oui, on a de la chance parce qu’on restera amis pour longtemps.  I really miss my best friends in the states too…sisters and those others so close to my heart. I really think about my family and friends all the time, good memories, funny stories, and I try to send them good vibes in their current pursuits.  Oh yeah, and still missing white mexican cheese dip and jimmy johns vegetarian.

I do see the silver lining surrounding all that.  The silver lining is the here and the now.  The snow falling outside where I live.  It’s snowing where I live.  I live here.  I live!

Plans for the future: Going to see Sanyu in town from London this weekend, perhaps going to see Katia&friends in Newcastle the weekend of the 13th, planning a trip to France around the beginning of March, seeing about getting UGA approval for research and internship so I can stay here until the big Research Forum I’m planning in May, thinking about trying to come home for Easter if I’m all caught up on work and flights are good…

Love and prayers, to you, from me, out into the world.

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